
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Simon Gravel group at the Department of Human Genetics of McGill University.
Before that, I completed my PhD in the Statistics and Optimization Team at the Toulouse Institute of Mathematics (IMT) and in the Robotics and Interactions Team at LAAS-CNRS. I worked under the supervision of Pierre Neuvial (IMT) and Juan Cortés (LAAS). My doctoral research was funded by the Labex CIMI.
Here is my CV as of 2024-04.


My research focuses on the development of statistical methods for solving real problems in Biology. One of my fields of interest is the structural analysis of highly flexible proteins. For that, I use and develop techniques from optimal transport theory, clustering and (selective) hypothesis testing. I am currently delving into the realm of Population Genetics and coalescent theory.

Keywords: Optimal Transport, Wasserstein distance, Goodness-of-fit test, Post-clustering inference, Structural Biology, Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDP), Population Genetics, Coalescent Theory.